Grant Applications
Small Business Grant Applications: eTenders & Other Supports
What are Grants?
A grant or eTender is a non-repayable fund. Some government bodies give grants to growth businesses for capital investments, increased employee headcount, a specific project, qualifying research & development activity and a myriad of other reasons. These grants are non-repayable. It is in the businesses interest to know about these grant opportunities before any spending takes place and before applying for a loan for any specific project.
You can benefit from small business grant applications
Is your company at a crossroads and needing to grow? Are you leading the way in your field? Are you setting up an Online Platform? Are you carrying out R&D activities? Are you wanting to grow your business & take it to the next level? There are Grants available through IDA, Enterprise Ireland, Retail Excellence Ireland, Intertrade Ireland, the list goes on.
What’s in it for you?
I have experience in writing up successful small business grant applications & submitting via the etender application process. I also have experience with successful audits and grant draw-down. The grant refund can be a major financial benefit to your company. Your company doesn’t have to bare the full cost of the new project spend, with the injection of the Grant, this can help you & your company achieve more than you could have imagined. With my expertise and help, we can simplify the Grant application process, track spend & all related documentation & ensure an audit pass after grant draw-down.